This setting is managed by your organization. Contact your IT administrator to change your display language.Unable to change the display language in Office 365


Sometimes user report that their language in office 365 is incorrect and they cannot change the display language and they see the below error message.

“This setting is managed by your organization. Contact your IT administrator to change your display language.”

This issue usually happens in hybrid environment where user identities sync from on-premises. To fix it please follow below steps.


Step A:  Change the settings in office 365 delve.

  1. Go to & sign in.
  2. Click on your name in top right and select My Profile.
  3. Look to the middle left.  Click on the "Update Profile" button.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Contact Information section.
  5. Expand the option "How can I change language and regional settings?"
  6. Then click on "Click here, click the ellipsis (…), and then choose Language and Region."
  7. On the "Edit Details" page that comes up, you'll see headings - Basic Information, Contact Information, Details, and ...
  8. Click on the ellipsis (…) to the right of the word Details.
  9. Select Language and Region.
  10. In Region, select "Always use my personal settings"... (If you don't know what you're doing, then caveat emptor.)  If you don't do this, you can't select your time zone.
  11. In Time Zone, select "Only Me" on the right and then your time zone.
  12. Click Save & Close at bottom of screen.

Step B:    Change the preferred language from active directory

  1.  Login to on-prem exchange server
  2.  Open the active directory and search the user and open the attribute editor for user and set the preferred language as per user request.


After doing above changes please give 24 hrs turn around time to user to let it replicate on all the office 365 locations.